Friday, April 2, 2010

"They are all in it together!" This was the response given when we asked Pastor Andre why the starving dogs don't eat the chickens that are running around. Today was another great day. We got the shelving and painting finished, and water hooked up in the clinic! Unfortunately we don't have a good way to drain the water out of the clinic but we are working on it. A group took a trip to the farm to assess tomorrow's project of building a platform for a cistern. An estimated 200 sponsored children got their information updated and the clinic served 179 people. Christie had the opportunity to counsel earthquake victims, what a great healing experience for them. After two days of searching we finally found two basketball rims that we are extremely excited to build backboards for and put up at the orphanage tomorrow! The kids were elated to see us carry them in. Before dinner we played another game of soccer with the orphans, we miss you all and wish you were here being blessed as we surely are.


  1. You guys look right at home. Praying for you daily

  2. Hey Curt - thanks for posting the pix. The Haitian people sure grow on you fast, don't they? Glad you're getting to have the experience others of us have had, but just can't quite describe fully to someone who hasn't been. Give my wife a big hug from me - and have a great rest of the week. Happy Easter - the worship service tomorrow will blow your mind!
